The Story
Behind Our Biryani

Do you remember the last time you went to a wedding and had the best biriyani of your life? Do you still remember how it tasted? How the meat fell apart on the bone? How the rice was soft and flaky at the same time? Have you sat daydreaming, regretting not eating more at that wedding?

Have you ever ordered biriyani from the restaurant after restaurant, searching for the same experience and feeling disappointed?

Your search has now ended!

We at The Wedding Biriyani have worked day and night with a single mission in mind – to serve you a true wedding feast! On-demand!!

Treating your loved ones never felt so good!

We adhere to stringent protocols in the procurement, production, packaging, and serving processes to ensure you get a flawless world-class biryani experience!

TWB Menu Highlights

Straight From Kitchen 🔥

Experience our food, straight from our kitchen to your doorstep.

Bestsellers 🔥

Experience our food, straight from our kitchen to your doorstep.

Special Biryani

Rs. 99/-

Special Biryani

Rs. 99/-

Special Biryani

Rs. 99/-

Special Biryani

Rs. 99/-

Special Biryani

Rs. 99/-

Special Biryani

Rs. 99/-

Special Biryani

Rs. 99/-

Special Biryani

Rs. 99/-

Wedding Catering with YOU in mind!

This is your Day! Let’s make it memorable with food & services your guests will keep raving about for years to come.

We undertake all types of catering orders across Chennai

What do our customers say about TWB?

Latest Updates
The Wedding Biryani

Periyar Nagar’s Hidden Gem: The Wedding Biryani’s Enchanting Ambiance

When you’re in search of not just a meal, but an extraordinary dining experience, The Wedding Biryani in Periyar Nagar invites you to immerse yourself in one of the city’s most remarkable and must-visit ambiences. An Ambience That Sets the Stage: At The Wedding Biryani, we recognize that dining is more than just eating; it’s

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The Wedding Biryani

Explore Delicious Vegetarian Delights at The Wedding Biryani

When you think of The Wedding Biryani, you likely envision mouthwatering biryani dishes that are rich in flavors and spices. But did you know that we also offer a delectable vegetarian menu that’s sure to tantalize your taste buds? Whether you’re a vegetarian or simply looking to savor some veggie delights, we have something special

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Location &

Visit us in our restaurant and enjoy the best taste of biryani, served hot and fresh. From our kitchen, straight to your table. You can visit us at the provided location and anytime between 11 AM To 9 PM.

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